
Pam McNealy Powell
Vice President of Project Development ,
Pam has over 33 years in the construction industry with the last 26 years served with AECOM Hunt based out of the Indianapolis office. Pam is responsible for business development initiatives for the entire Central Region for all market sectors that include Aviation, Convention Centers, Hospitality, Health Care, Education, Sports, and so much more. She establishes, builds, and maintains client relationships before, during, and after award of project. Pam is involved on multiple national and local association boards and committees. Pam is very active with the Stadium Managers Association (SMA) and is currently serving as the SMA Foundation Board of Director, Fundraising Chair and on the SMA Scholarship Committee. Pam also serves as a Board of Director for the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) Indiana Chapter. Pam is also a member of WISE (Women In Sports and Events), ULI (Urban Land Institute), IAVM (International Association of Venue Managers), ASHE (American Society for Healthcare Engineering), ISHE (Indiana Society for Healthcare Engineering), and SCUP (Society for College and University Planning). Pam also supports and volunteers her time with various charity organizations. She currently serves as a Board of Director for the Imagination Library of Johnson County (ILJC). She is on her sixth year serving as a HOSTS (Helping One Student To Succeed) Mentor for a local elementary school in Indianapolis helping to improve the reading skills for students. She is also a member of 100+ Women Who Care Johnson County. Pam is a former Past President of DBIAGLR (Design-Build Institute of America for the Great Lakes Region). Pam has been awarded and commissioned as a Kentucky Colonel by the Governor of Kentucky.