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Chicago Build

Dave Pavlik

Dave Pavlik

Co-founder and Managing Partner, Dicennial, 11 Million Acres

Co-founder and Managing Partner Dave Pavlik has structured over $2 billion in renewable energy and infrastructure projects throughout his career. That expertise was key to setting up Decennial’s capital structure so that it can leverage renewable energy financing and tax credits, ensuring assets are designed for the next generation energy economy.

Dave’s years of experience in finance, management and public policy led him to serve as managing partner of 11MM Acres, developing opportunities in the energy, real estate and private equity markets with access to more than $1.5B in project and investment capital. Previous to that, Dave was the President of Trans-Lux Energy Corporation, a turnkey energy project developer and LED lighting manufacturer with sales across the United States.

He also served as the Illinois State Budget Manager where he oversaw the budgets, headcount and legislative initiatives for over 2 dozen agency budgets, including over $20B in total funding and more than 15,000 state employees. Prior to that he was the Deputy Director of the Illinois Department of Transportation, overseeing large asset infrastructure valuation. He has also advised numerous private equity firms, venture capital funds and investment banks on complex regulatory initiatives.