Full building permit issued for 921 N. Noble

A full building permit has been issued for a mixed-use building at 921 N. Noble. Planned as part of the larger St. Boniface redevelopment, the new building will stand on a currently vacant lot directly to the north of the St. Boniface church. With ZSD Corp and Stas Development working on the overall development, zoning documents show the newly permitted building recently underwent a change in scope before the foundation permit was issued.
With SPACE Architects + Planners in charge of the design, the mixed-use building will stand four floors, up from just two stories. Rising 46 feet, the building is now set to hold 9 units, up from just 4. Eight of the apartments will occupy the upper floors and will all be affordable. On the ground floor, 1,100 square feet of commercial space will be joined by a live/work unit.
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